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L2Chill Vote! High Five 0

  • Adicionado em: 2023-11-12 21:28:31
  • Proprietário: silenta.
  • Website:
  • Status:
  • Linguagem: English
  • Geolocalização: France
  • Plataforma / Tipo: L2J Normal
Taxas de servidor
  • EXP: 1
  • SP: 1
  • DROP: 2
  • ADENA: 1
  • Cofre de encantar: 3
  • Max encantar: 16
É bom saber
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  • Buffer de NPC:
  • GK global:
  • Zona personalizada:
  • Arma personalizada:
  • Armadura de personalizado:
  • Loja off-line:
Key server features
Comfortable game even with just one window no need leveling up spoiler and support Subclass leveling has been simplified Added many activities for party play in the later stages of the game epic bosses every day regular RB every 3 hours Sieges Territory Wars and hero every week

You can launch a maximum 3 of windows from one PC 2 for free and 1 is available for purchase using Coins of Luck
Crystallization and crafting is available to everyone
The entire spoil list has been moved to the drop list
The main buffs are available in altb without classunique and 3rd profession buffs
Rebalanced classes significantly reworked dwarfes and support classes

Changes to the subclass system
The maximum level of the Sub class has been increased to 85
Sub classes are immediately set to level 75 upon obtaining
You can now get a subclass without completing the quest

Improved clan system
Only two castles are available for sieges Rune and Aden
Only four forts are available for sieges Cloud Mountain Fortress Floran Fortress Hunters Fortress Western Fortress
The penalty for expulsionleaving the clan is 4 hours
Before the start of the Territory Wars the flags return to their castles
Knights Epaulette drops from guards are not tied to character level
The cooldown of the Instant Haste Potion is now 30 seconds
Blood Alliance and Blood Oath have been added to the drop from bosses of the castle prison and forts
The duration of sieges and Territory Wars has been reduced to 1 hour
Olympiad Hero cycle Sieges and Territory Wars every week

The respawn time of regular and epic RBs has been changed
Freya Zaken Frintezza and Beleth are no longer instance bosses
All regular RBs respawn simultaneously every 3 hours Added a convenient teleport to each rb through Altb
All epic RBs have a fixed respawn time
The level characteristics and drops from regular and epic RBs have been increased Learn more

New modern client
Optimized with a new interface and useful features
Autoenchanting of equipment and abilities Autoinsertion of Life Stones and ATT New icons for Talismans and Life Stones
Autoacceptance of group and trade invites from your windows CtrlCCtrlV support
Ability to viev certain Buffs as debuffs display your casting display damage numbers on screen
Ingame browser Knowledge base of all monsters and items ACP system
Movable system chat possibility to change the size of the effect icons
Highlighted equipment when dropped automatic floats usage
Removed blood rain and blood fog Autologin password saving
Full multilingual support You can change the language directly in the game
Active Anticheat the best protection against bots and software including private and premium versions
New dome symbols animations and much more

Other changes
The systems of Nevit pcclub reccomendation bonuses and manor are disabled
Added champion monsters of 5 types
Autolearning of all abilities without skillbooks
Agrade gear has been removed from Luxor shop Shadow weapons were remoted from the stores All common items have been removed from the game Mammons will no longer exchange Agrade weapons
Chests and Lucky Pigs have been removed from the game
HB is open at the maximum level from the start you can get there at any level without a quest
Blacksmith Pushkin in Giran provides all the functions of Mammons Shadai and Ishuma you can also exchange catacomb stones there for AA
In any Blaksmith shop you can now instantly and free of charge recraft any amount of resources
You can buy Soul Crystals and Ancient Books of all types using adena in Luxor You can also change Soul Crystal color for free there
Added the ability to offline trade Item broker is available for quick search
All classes have their purchasesale windows expanded to 42 slots
All characters recipe books have been expanded to 1000 slots
All charactes have the weight limit increased by 3 times and with Premium Account by 20 times
Chest armor cannot be crafted as a masterwork item
The price of all items in the store has been reduced
Changes to the Grand Olympiad and rewards Learn more
Change to quests Learn more
Changes to locations Learn more
Daily events Learn more

Weekly Schedule

Monday Thursday
Events 18301850 20302050 22302350
Epic Raid Bosses 1900 2100
Olympiad 19002300

Stage change 2000

Saturday and Sunday
Events 19001920 19301950 21302150
SiegesTerritory wars 20002100


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