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L2White-Eagle Vote! Interlude 0

  • Adicionado em: 2023-01-11 14:28:02
  • Proprietário: SpiritOfDarkness
  • Website:
  • Status:
  • Linguagem: English
  • Geolocalização: United States
  • Plataforma / Tipo: L2J Normal
Taxas de servidor
  • EXP: 2000
  • SP: 2000
  • DROP: 1000
  • ADENA: 1000
  • Cofre de encantar: 3
  • Max encantar: 20
É bom saber
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SpiritOfDarkness Yesterday at 1307
L2 WhiteEagle Grand Opening
15th of January 1700 GMT 2
Reward to Register Clans
Anti Bot Protection Added
Unique Skins
Unique Raid Boss System
Interlude Most Advanced PvP Server
Amazing Updates visit website for info
Bring your clan and get Clan lv8 Skills
Rates Experience Rates x2000 SP Rates x2000 Adena x 1000

Enchant Rates Safe 3 Max 20 Normal Enchant Scrolls 65 Blessed Max Enchant 14 100 Crystal max 16 50 on break enchant still the same Custom Scroll max 20

Bosses Special Boss every 4 Hours Epic Bosses every 3 Hours Normal Bosses every 1 Hour

Events TVT DM CTF Party Farm every 6 hours with 1 event hour duration Tournaments 1v1 3v3 5v5 9v9

Enchant Rates Safe 3 Max 20 Normal Enchant Scrolls 65 Blessed Max Enchant 14 100 Crystal max 16 50 on break enchant still the same Custom Scroll max 20

Bosses Special Boss every 4 Hours Epic Bosses every 3 Hours Normal Bosses every 1 Hour

Events TVT DM CTF Party Farm every 6 hours with 1 event hour duration Tournaments 1v1 3v3 5v5 9v9


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