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L2Short Vote! Interlude 0

  • Adicionado em: 2022-11-19 20:36:41
  • Proprietário: Life Liubeare
  • Website:
  • Status:
  • Linguagem: English
  • Geolocalização: France
  • Plataforma / Tipo: L2J Normal
Taxas de servidor
  • EXP: 1000
  • SP: 1000
  • DROP: 10
  • ADENA: 1000
  • Cofre de encantar: 4
  • Max encantar: 16
É bom saber
  • Loja GM:
  • Buffer de NPC:
  • GK global:
  • Zona personalizada:
  • Arma personalizada:
  • Armadura de personalizado:
  • Loja off-line:



Experience EXP 1000x

Skill Points SP 1000x

Adena 1000x

Drop Items 10x

Starting Subclass level 80

Automatic potions use HPMPCP

GM Shop free SGrade items

Titanium Armors and Fury Weapons obtainable by killing Raid Bosses


Custom Name Title colors via vip

x2 Mass Vote Reward

x2 Pvp Reward

5 chance to enchant items

Less chance to drop Items from Pks

vip command change nametitle colors

Vip Chat System public chatyou can talk with

Pk System

You can drop items by PKsYou are safe until 10 PKs

After 10 you have big chance to drop Items

If You are VIP you are safe until 20 PKs

1 item can be dropped each time

There are 70 chance to drop

If you are VIP there are 30 chance to drop


Safe Enchant 4

Max Enchant 16

Scroll chance 65 Decreases 5 with every enchant

Blessed Weapon Scroll chance 70 Decreases 5 with every enchant

Blessed Armor Scroll chance 70 Decreases 5 with every enchant

Crystal weapons and Armors chance 85

Decreases 5 with every enchant


Тop LS 15 High LS 10 Mid LS 5

Max 1 Active 1 Passive skill


Retail olympiad game classic

Max enchant for items 6

Heroes changing every sunday 2400

Olympiad start time 1800 end 2300


Party Farm

Tournament 1x1 2x2 5x5 9x9


Last Man Standing

Team vs Team

Capture the Flag


Max Clan Level 8

Max clan members 40

Royoal Guard and Knight Guard disabled

Alliance Info 2 clans


There are 2 castle sieges Giran and Rune

Castle siege duration 120 minutes

Sieges are scheduled every 3 days 20000000

Passive skill added for owners as a reward


Buffs Slots 30

DanceSong Slots 18

Chance Minimum Debuffs 10

Chance Maximum Debuffs 90

Cancellation Return Buff after 10 Secs

AntiBot System strixguard

Geodata and Pathnodes Yes

Free and no quest class change

Free and no quest sub class

Max subclasses 5

Offline mode Shop Yes

Auto Learn Skills Yes

Auto Loot Yes

Auto Loot Raid Grand Boss No

Wedding System Yes Ye


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