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LINEAGE 2 FLAURON Vote! Interlude 9

  • Adicionado em: 2017-06-08 01:50:41
  • Proprietário: Kiss
  • Website:
  • Status:
  • Linguagem: English
  • Geolocalização: Netherlands
  • Plataforma / Tipo: L2OFF Normal
Taxas de servidor
  • EXP: 3
  • SP: 3
  • DROP: 1
  • ADENA: 1
  • Cofre de encantar: 3
  • Max encantar: 65535
É bom saber
  • Loja GM:
  • Buffer de NPC:
  • GK global:
  • Zona personalizada:
  • Arma personalizada:
  • Armadura de personalizado:
  • Loja off-line:
Opening July 29
Beta Test July 24

ExpSp x3
AdenaDropSpoilQuest x1
With premium account ExpSP 50 Adena 30 Drop 15 Spoil 10
With premium rune ExpSP 30 Adena 20 Drop 15 Spoil 10

Stage I max level 60

ExpSP x3 up to level 40
ExpSP x1 lvl 40 to 52
ExpSP x01 lvl 52 to 56
ExpSP x001 from level 56 to level 60
Stage II max level 75

ExpSP x10 up to level 40
ExpSP x5 lvl 40 to 52
ExpSP x3 lvl 52 to 70
ExpSP x1 lvl 70 to 72
ExpSP x01 lvl 72 to 73
ExpSP x001 lvl 73 to 75
Stage III max level 80

ExpSP x10 up to level 52
ExpSP x5 lvl 52 to 75
ExpSP x3 75
Stages limit only the maximum level and the resulting Exp SP

Olympiad from level 40 without the need for Noble Status
Period 1 week
Battles only from Thursday to Saturday from 1700 to 0000
Class matches are disabled
Nomination of heroes at midnight from Saturday to Sunday
Newbie Buff up to level 24 inclusive
Offline trading command offline
Learning skills only from npc
Removed all shadow weapons and coupons No cats with weapon coupons
The best protection against cheats and bots Bots thirdparty software RMT are prohibited
Active windows limit base 2 windows
When affected by FrenzyGutsZealot the spear wraps around 3 targets
Exchanging a weapon with a mammon for an equivalent one does not tolerate sharpening


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